Proud Supporter of 'Dance for Life'


A few weeks ago I was honored to interview for @5.6.7.eight podcast the leaders of this outstanding organization about their vision and goals. Afterwards they invited me to attend their Dance for Life concert at the Auditorium Theatre.

Since 1991, Dance for Life has united the Chicago dance community and its fans to support local dance community professionals affected by critical health issues. The money raised through the performance goes directly to the Dancer’s Fund. Created by Chicago Dancer’s United in response to the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the dance community, the Dancer’s Fund fund has broadened to include other health and living needs.

At the concert I enjoyed great performances by Joffrey Ballet (Victoria Jaiani & Temur Suluashvili), Giordano Dance, Hubbard Street, Ballet Flamenco De Espaniol and many others!

Proud Supporter of 'Dance for Life'!

Aleksandra Efimova

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