Reading the Music Series to Young Musicians at Betty Haag Academy

On March 31, I had the pleasure of reading The Peter and the Wolf Symphony by Aleksandra, one of the books in the new Music Series collection from Growing Through Arts, to a group of budding musicians at the Betty Haag Academy of Music.

The reading was part of a workshop entitled, “New Generation on Stage!” presented by the North Shore Chamber Music Festival.

Located in Buffalo Grove, The Betty Haag Academy has been a musical training ground for children from preschool through high school for more than 40 years, offering instruction in violin, viola, piano, note reading and repertoire.

As I sat in the middle of the circle, it was clear that the children who study at Betty Haag are passionate about music. As I read the story, I pointed to the illustrations and asked the children questions about the various instruments and musical terms. As soon as I asked a question, they shot their hands up in the air, eager to answer everything they knew.

Since most of the children study violin using the Suzuki method, they loved that the central character, Peter, is illustrated with a violin.

It was wonderful to see the children so engaged in the story, and so excited to learn more about classical music.

Angela Yoffe, executive director of the North Shore Chamber Music Festival and a piano teacher at Betty Haag Academy, said she was proud to have Growing Through Arts visit the school. “Alexandra’s passion for arts education and understanding of its importance are strongly connected to goals and beliefs of the North Shore Chamber Music Festival and we look forward to our collaboration in the future!” Angela said.

I am so grateful to Angela for inviting me and for making a commitment to teach the younger generations about the magic of music.