Breakfast with Mayor Daley

Chicago Sisters Cities' Third Annual International Breakfast On Feb. 17, I attended a breakfast for Chicago Sister Cities International ― the first one I have attended as the co-chair of the organization’s Moscow Committee.

I am proud to say that The Moscow Committee had two tables of supporters at the breakfast, including several students who are studying Russian language at DePaul University and Judie Moore Green, Chief Marketing & Development Officer at the Auditorium Theatre.

Mayor Richard Daley spoke at the breakfast, emphasizing the importance of the Sister Cities program. He said that through people-to-people programs and cultural exchanges, we can strengthen our civic, economic and cultural ties with other countries.

The keynote speaker at the breakfast was Patricia Maz-Pittsford, the Consul General of El Salvador, who talked about the changing role of consul generals in the United States. She said in the past, the position was mainly for stamping passports and other administrative duties, but today, consul generals help to promote a true interchange of ideas among other countries and the United States, helping to expand business and understanding among countries.

I know that I am truly proud to be part of this organization, and I hope we can continue to foster collaboration and connection between Russia and the United States.