Inside or Outside?


For me - if weather permits –my first choice is always outside! Especially when training for my upcoming National Geographic Expedition @natgeoexpeditions hiking trip to Patagonia!  

So what happens when we start walking on the beach without a specific destination, when there is no preset agenda or turning point, when there is no specific time by which we need to be back? The mind clears, the feet get icy cold from Pacific water, the body starts feeling one with nature. We might find a perfect spot to meditate while listening to ocean waves singing, from gentle sweet sounds to roaring, sounding almost like thunder. 

Visiting Southern California I noticed it had no shortage of hiking trails such as: Crystal Cove State Park - Newport Coast - Cypress at Pacific Ridge. Endless trails for hiking, mountain biking and for really tough athletes - even running. Elevation gain 1,100…. and I managed an 8 mile loop! (Compression socks by @newzillusa are essential for all my hikes now).

Walt Disney once said: “The Way to Get Started is to Quit Talking and Begin Doing,” I am frequently asked what is a key to success. There are many things involved but if there is a single most important thing I can identify - it’s ‘to do’, instead of talking about doing it. Take the first step - make that call to a potential customer, show up to fitness class you always wanted to take and book the flight to the dream destination. Yes, planning is involved, pros and cons analysis is needed, risk management is essential, but without taking action - no goals will be accomplished. What is your first step towards the dream? 

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